
Stone Tablets of Ezra

List of everything and anything under the sun



Seeing Beyond Expectations: He’s NOT Into You

         By: M.E Sy   Men are known as the more dominant gender not only among humans but also with wildlife. As we can notice, even though it is not the case sometimes, they are the gender that has bigger... Continue Reading →

Redefining HAPPINESS

        By: M.E Sy "Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.”  - Democritus              Happiness is the degree of having positive mood and a state of well-being. A... Continue Reading →

Philosophical Thoughts on Love

        By: M.E Sy There's nothing more tragic than being possessed with the feeling of love. A feeling of rapture embellished with an ounce of insanity and melancholy. Presented here are some quotations about love from famous philosophers that are... Continue Reading →

10 Simple Christmas Presents

         By: M.E. Sy After the chilly night of Halloween, the spirit of “ber” months will follow Christmas as the days roll by. A big problem or dilemma occurs especially during the first week of the 12th month which is... Continue Reading →

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